u. " I found great pleasure and satisfaction in knowing what a large space of country had been tilled, so successfully and bountifully, for the benefit of a single gentleman. " " " " The figure of the millionaire, neither more nor less than a Rothschild or a Rockefeller. -' D. Iluiie.,'' : '"*description: The input, or output, is in the range x,y,z. The output is obtained by specifying the output axis of an empty, shape=1, C3D object.
The tasks are to compute the features of the input
and output. For the output, the task is to compare the
features of the input and output.
This example must be run with run_control=pybrain_new for the
automatic execution of the example. To use it yourself,
make sure pybrain_new is included in the current script
The input data is created by oph.util.read_images()
the three image files are the 2D-axial slices
of the original 3D volume. The images have a
size of (256,256,256).
The output features are the 21 features.
The features are computed by the features function. The
21 features are the eigenvectors of the covariance
matrix. The eigenvalues are sorted in descending
The output can be evaluated to check if the
features match the ones expected for a
surface-volume representation.
Reading in image data is done by the oph.util.read_images() function.
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